AirtelCallHome gets you an incredible offer - IndiaOne. Sign up now & you can call India from UK at just 1 pence/min. You can choose between the £ 4.99 and £ 9.99 plan.
The £ 4.99 plan comes with an administration fee of £ 1.99 and talktime worth £3.00 .i.e. you get 300 mins in just £ 4.99 on local access. This is applicable on calls terminating on any phone in India.
The £9.99 plan comes with reduced administration fee of £3.74 and talktime worth £6.25 .i.e. you get 625 mins in just £9.99 on local access. We have extended the validity period so now you can use the minutes within 60 days of buying the product. This is applicable on calls terminating on any phone in India.
If you call any phone in India using the free access number the rate is still an attractive 2 pence/min for both £4.99 and £ 9.99 plans. So hurry...Sign up NOW!
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